Every penny from Gossip Girl, my pension, my stocks has been spent fighting for my children. 每一分我从《绯闻女孩》挣得的片酬,我的退休金,股票,所有钱都花在了争夺我孩子的抚养权上了。
I've spent every penny, she said. Every penny from Gossip Girl, my pension, my stocks has been spent fighting for my children. 我花光了每一分钱,她说,我拍摄《绯闻女孩》的片酬、我的退休金、我的股票都花在了争夺孩子的抚养权上。
Then, in March, it aims to introduce a minimum trading price of 20 cents, to discourage excessive speculation in low-priced penny stocks. 然后,新加坡拟从3月起实行20分的最低交易价,以阻止人们对价格低廉的细价股进行过分投机。
Penny stocks have long been a haven for fraudsters. 低价股一直是诈骗犯们行骗的好去处。
You'd lose your shirt investing in penny stocks. 投资那些低价股会让你输得精光。
But its shares, which were priced at HK$ 2.69, have fallen more than 60 per cent over the past three years and have twice dipped below HK$ 1, the realm of poorly regarded Hong Kong "penny stocks". 但过去3年,该公司股价已下挫逾60%,并曾两次跌破1港元,沦为香港“仙股”(pennystock)。
However, its shares have fallen sharply since listing at HK$ 2.69 three years ago and this month have traded at below HK$ 1 the realm of poorly regarded Hong Kong "penny stocks". 不过,自3年前上市以来,中芯国际的股价已较其发行价2.69港元大幅下挫,本月其股价跌破1港元沦为评价不好的香港“仙股”范畴。
I would also have it screen out stocks less than$ 2as I don't want to trade penny stocks. 我也有它清理库存不足2美元,因为我不想贸仙股。